Saturday, September 5, 2009

One after another disappointment


My hopes could reach the sky each and every time


My disappointments reach the core of the earth most of the time

At times, i just wonder.

I always ask myself why, thinking that there's an answer to my questions.

Time after time, day after day, months after months have past, yet I'm still asking my self the same question.


Why is it that every time there is something for us to cheer or celebrate about, something will just turn up. Something will just appear and there goes our celebration. There goes everything.

Every pinch of hope i gave, it has to be taken away. Sigh.

Why does it have to be so?

Why can't things be better?

There are only 8 more days left before you fly to UK.

Months before September 14th i already mentioned to you that I hope we can spend more time together before you fly off, and yet. Things changed. Always there's a last minute plan that spoils ours.

Sigh, its depressing thinking of the things that happens over and over again. and yet again, i could do nothing about it.


1 comment:

  1. hey..cheer up dude..
    i know it does matter when there is not much time left to spend with her but then when you're back make it up to her..i think that's the most important one..or at least the day before she fly..24 could be a memorable one :D
    all the best..and hope you'll be fine soon :)
